Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4, 2010

Don't know what happened this week... I don't think the computer was working as he got bumped off right away. But we did get this email.

Hey family!

What's happening?

Does anyone want to change there guesses on transfer news?
Elder Mace is either:
a) in the same area
b) in Scottsdale
c) in Payson
d) in Alberta, Canada

The answer: D! Not really. It's A. I'm in the same area, with the same companion, for another six weeks. Survived that one. Elder Christensen (the Elder Jason trained) is next to me and he tells me that he just got transferred to the Pueblo Zone (where we were companions) and now he's a zone leader there! His 3rd ZL area. Elder Ahurn from the MTC (the guy you met from New York at the missionary mall) is coming to our district to be our district leader. He's coming from being ZL in Pueblo.

We will be making phone calls from the Allen's home. (the members that we live with). We are planning on calling at about 4:00 our time-- don't know what that is for TX or ID. But that's the plan for now.

Last week was a crazy one for us. We were really, really blessed. I know that I say that a lot, but our week was amazing. We found 9 new investigators, and set another three baptismal dates. It was crazy. And their all amazing. Sometimes you get people that are kind of so-so as far as interest goes, but all of them are great. We even have found someone to teach in the Singles Ward. :-) I'm really excited to be sticking around for another transfer to see how all of this turns out.

I've never been happier with the progress of the work that's going on. I've also never been more tired in my life. I can barely type right now-- but it's worth it.

One of our new investigators is actually the daughter of a couple that works in the mission office. They called us up on Monday and told us that they had a granddaughter that wanted to learn about the church. She was really curious because her dad is a member, but she apparently lives with her mom who is Catholic and doesn't know much about religion at all. She had some great questions, and we're excited to keep teaching her.

Another family that we found had just been involved in a really bad crises, to say the least. It caused the family to really pull together and made them wonder about a few things. Their landlord called our bishop, and the bishop asked us to go by. We taught about the plan of Salvation. It was hard to tell what they thought of it all, but they called this morning (it's rare that ANYONE calls us) to set up an appointment. :-) That's always a good sign.

Lots of great things have been happening. And soon the Gila Vally Temple will be dedicated (23 May 2010). That will be really exciting!

Love you all a lot,
Elder Jason Mace
Your favorite missionary that's STILL on a bike even though it's warming up. . . fast. . . :-p

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