Tuesday, May 4, 2010

April 27, 2010

Sorry, but with everything going on the last few weeks, this letter did not get posted. Email is short as we sent Jason a ton of pictures of the wedding and baby that he went through.....

Hey family!

How's everything going?

Things here are good. I didn't get a message about Kassie's wedding happening, but I did wear the blue tie anyway. Everyone thought the tie was way cool, by the way. In fact, it blew my companions tie out of the water in the "which tie is better?" competition. :-) All votes were for me. :-p

Anyway, how is everything else out there? The kid-o's are are growed up. It's hard to recognize some of them from the pictures. They don't look as little as they used to. I, on the other hand, still look like a twelve year old with a name tag. Oh well. And I haven't gained a stinking pound since I've been gone. What kind of garbage is that, huh?

It's starting to get hot, here. Yesterday it was around 93-94 degrees out side. You say, that's not too bad. Puh! It's a completely different sun out here. This one blinds you-- when your looking away from it, even-- bakes you, and beats you to pieces. Yup, time for me to get transferred up North. Transfers are next week. Who's pulling for me? I have three transfers left, so it's interesting. I could get transferred now and spend 4 1/2 months in my next area, or I could stay the whole 6 months here are spend 3 months in my next area. Transfer guesses and prophesies are always welcome.

And I finally got into BYU-I, huh? Yippy! . . . . did. . . . Kaydee get in yet. . ? Did I beat her? Not that I care. . . . .

So yesterday was a really good day. We planned out our day Sunday night, and we saw we had absolutely NO appointments planned for the day. :-( But we planned and as we worked the next day some neat things happened.

First, we found two new investigators. James and his brother Justin. James actually came to church on Sunday. He's looking for a church to go to. Well, we had talked to his brother a while before that, and went by to talk to him again. Turns out they live together. :-) They came outside and we had a great lesson with them. (Yes, outside. I was facing the sun. Need I say more?) They're awesome. They actually already knew a little bit about the church and what we believe.

And then we set two baptismal dates. I think I mentioned Josh and Jason last week. Well, Josh is set for the 15th of May, and Jason for the 29th of May. We wanted to do both together, but they thought separate would be better. Right now we have 6 baptismal dates set, all for the month of May. It should be a great month if I'm around for it.

The past week has been really great, too. The work is continuing to pick up. Last week I think we taught more lessons than I have ever taught before. We're seeing some great blessings as the work continues to pick up.

Most importantly (not really) we played golf this morning. Not miniature golf either. The real stuff. I learned that I'm not going to be signing up for the PGA tour when I come home, but it was a lot of fun.

Great things are happening here. I hope things are going as well for you all out there. I love you all.
I've gotta go. I still have time, but my rides ready to leave. lol. If it's not one thing it's another. lol. See you all later. And Phone calls are coming up! ish. I don't really know when that is . . .


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