Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3, 2009

Hey Family!
Not too much exciting happened this week, but I'll write you a letter anyway. Speaking of which, I got a letter from Kaydee AND Kellie this week. Santa Biblia! (That's Holy Bible in spanish ;-]) Thank you. :-) And I did get your Halloween package, and I didn't even throw away the new MP3 player. Thank you so much for sending me the package. It was (and still is) awesome.
So, it sounds like my room is being put to work. . . . lol. I'm trying to imagine it covered in Winnie the Pooh fabric and what-not. :-D I do remember those quiet books, and I'm trying to remember why I found them so entertaining. Everythings fun when you're little, I guess. Oh, some advice for the soon to be new parents-- don't bother with gifts for a while, just get him boxes. :-P He'll be perfectly happy, and it will save you oodles. (Yes, that's a real word, ask Kaydee.)
Elder Page is going home in 2 weeks, so the question now is going to be who my new companion will be. Our Zone will also probably be going through a lot of changes this next transfer. My guess is that about half the Zone will be leaving, so that will be interesting.
Yesterday was Zone Development Meeting and Interviews with President Bassett. Our Zone is doing better than it's ever done before. When I went in for my interview yesterday, president Bassett asked me who in the zone I was concerned with, and I told him I really wasn't concerned with anyone. I don't know if he believed me, because he opened his records and asked about two missionaries who haven't done so well in the past. Then he looked down at their recent numbers and said "never mind. Your zone is doing good." It was amazing. Our latest graph shows all of our numbers are above the mission average. When I first got here all the numbers were below. :-) We set a couple of baptismal dates this week, all for November 28th. We won't have any baptisms until then (so Elder Page will miss them). One was a guy named Travis, who moved in with some room-mates (all of which happen to be returned missionaries) in our area. Elder Gomez and I talked to them when they were moving in. He became interested in the church because of his room-mates, and wants to change his life, and he's been to church twice and has a baptismal date already.
The other is a 16 year old named Clinton, who basically is a member, but he's afraid to ask his parents for permission to join the church. We still have to work past that.
So far things are going well.
I'm loving the area more and more.
Sorry, my time is about up, and this stinking computer is dying on me.lol.
I gotta go, but I'll catch you next week.
Love you,

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