Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September 1, 2009

Hey family,
The big news for this upcoming week:Thursday marks ONE YEAR of me being out. Wooh! I feel like I should still be in the MTC. And at the same time I feel like the MTC was forever ago. Crazy how time just flies by, isn't it?
So things are going pretty good here. We had a really neat day yesterday, all kinds of good stuff happened. Or cars' battery hasn't been doing too good lately-- sometimes we had trouble starting the car over the weekend. So, yesterday we had a Zone Leader Council meeting that required us to go to the mission office. We talked to the vehicle coordinater while we were there. He told us to go to Big-O tires to get a new battery, so we did. They looked at the car and told us we had a bad alternater. :-( We called the Vehicle Coordinater again, and he told us to meet him with the car at the dealership. We had to jump start the car to get it there. We got a ride home and had to walk the rest of the night. . . . It was really windy . . . . and it rained. :-( Oh well. Good times.)
We found a LOT of new people to teach last week, and we set a bunch of baptismal dates. I guess Heavenly Father thought he'd bless Elder Page or something, cause we had a crazy good week. :-)
For example, we got a referral for a guy this week (Referrals in Apache Junction are very rare, so that was huge!). We went by and contacted it, and we found out that the guy was a less active member who's friend invited him to come back to church. He went to another ward with his wife, and they both really enjoyed it. He wants to come back, and his wife wants to get baptized. Wow! We taught them twice, and it went extremely well. The spirit was really strong and they were really receptive and open. It was really great.
Another guy we found in a park when one of our appointments fell through. We talked to him, mentioned baptism, and he said he's never been baptized before and he'd like to be. :-)
And we found a few more decent investigaters as well. Right now we have a great teaching pool set up for our area. In fact, it's motivation to drop people who aren't progressing, because we don't really have much time. (On a sad note, I think we're dropping someone tonight. I REALLY hate dropping people. But sometimes you have to. :-[)
Our zone didn't really kick off the transfer well-- numbers were kinda low-- but hopefully things will pick up.
I gotta go. We have to pick up our car, and our Vehicle coordinater just called and is mad that we're not there. Even though we didn't know we were suppose to be there right now. :-P oh well.
Love you all,
Elder Mace

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jason, Congratulations on a successful mission so far! Love reading about it! Keep up the good work.

    Luv ya, Aunt Kathy from NY
