Monday, June 8, 2009

June 8, 2009

Most of Elder Mace's letter this week was about his dad, but here are other parts for us to share...

The dog now? Hmmm. Most families just have one at a time, you know. lol. Tell Keesha to wait until it's her turn. :-P Anyway, the mission president called me to give me an update, I assume right after you called him. Thank you by the way for keeping me in the loop. :-)

So, our area got split in half, right? We counted up the investigaters and got our records split up and what-not. Well, it turned out that Elder Turner and I had six investigaters, and Elder Rutledge and Voigtlaender (I spelled it wrong last week) had at least twice as many. So we've been doing a lot of finding this week. But I think the Lord knows when we don't have enough to do, because the Spanish elders called us and said they haven't been giving us enough referrals lately, so they're going to get us some more. And they have been! We've been getting an average of three a day from them, in addition to the text-messaged referrals that we get from the referrals center at the MTC in Provo, Utah. Plus we've been tracting and finding some people on our own. It's been pretty neat. Despite out lack of investigaters, we taught almost the same number of lessons this week as we did all of last transfer. Wow!
Given the progress, our new goal is to get a North, South, East and West area out of the Central Ward, lol. So yeah, it's been a great week. Elder Turner and I are getting along really well and working hard, and so far everything's been going really good. No complaints here.... But it's been great. Go figure. :-)
This week I started going through what I am calling a mid-mission-life crisis. I'm going through computer and Tae Kwon Do withdraws all over again! lol. Elder Turners been making fun of me. :-P
We've been teaching Milten for a while, and he should be getting baptized on the 21 of June. We showed him the family history websites the church has, and he thought it was the greatest thing ever. We finally told him we had to leave after a while. He practically forgot we were there, he was just going to town with it. :-D
Anyway, that's about it for this week. Mostly just finding new people to teach.
Love Y'all,

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