Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1, 2009

(In response to hearing about Dad being in the hospital)

So, now it's dad's turn, huh? For a few minutes I thought it would be the swine flue from going to Cancun-- Which would have given you another free trip if I remember your last email right. :-) Tell dad he got the wrong thing. Just kidding. Really, though, glad to hear he's doing a bit better. And thanks for keeping me posted. Hopefully they can take care of it soon. I asume he's had a blessing and all of that good stuff. I'll keep him in my prayers as well.

This is big. This is very big. Not really, but yeah. I know you all keep losing sleep over this, so I'll get right to it. OUR AREA IS BEING SPLIT. YAY! In light of our three baptisms, many investigaters, use of a bizillion miles on our car (yes, it's a number), and the fact that we can't really seem to do it all, our area has been cut in half. The Assistants to the President called us Friday afternoon and told us that the president wanted to split the area, and asked how we thought it could be best done. So we talked for a while, gave our input, and they talked with President Bassett more about it. Oddly enough, we don't know the boundry yet. What we do know is that Elder Turner and I are going to be covering the West Side (which has the richest and poorest parts of the area) and Elder Rutledge will be with Elder Voightlander on the east side (V-oy-t--Lander. Good luck saying it.). Currently, the East side is where more of the work is, but the West side is where all our investigaters with a baptismal date are. (We have three with a date right now.)

Jorge and the Tenuda's are also on the East side, so we have to say our good-bye's to them.
It's funny, because the mission president told us he was not going to split the area, even though he knew there was a lot of work going on. He didn't want to overwhelm the ward-- which consists of mostly less-active members. And then he split it. lol. So that's pretty exciting. We split an area! YAY! (It's always been Elder Rutledge's dream to split an area.) So once again, YAY! If you can't tell, I'm excited. It will be nice to focus on our investigaters more. But scarry that we will have less work to do. That means we'll have to actually FIND people again. Wooh! :-) I've been really spoiled this last transfer. Our street contacts were like "Hey, can we come by to teach you if we have time?" lol. Now we can actually LOOK for people. The Tenuda's were confirmed yesterday, which was great.
Theophile wants to go out and teach with us all day everyday. lol. He really wants to be a Sr. missionary later on in life. We told him his wife had to go with him, and he said that would be okay. :-)
Oh, and we're going to Jorge's house for dinner tonight. He's doing great as well. I would send you pictures of them all, but these computers won't let me do anything with pictures. . . Maybe later on. . . .
So anyway, all is going well.
I've gotta go to.
Talk to you all next week.

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