Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 23. 2009

Hello family,
I'll start out with some breaking news. This is huge! Are you sitting down (just in case)?
President Bassett. . . . he . . . CHANGED OUR P-DAY!!! Woah! Yeah, I know what your thinking, "that's the craziest thing I've heard of sinced sliced bread." But yes, P-day will no longer be on Mondays in the AZ Mesa Mission. Now it's on (drum roll) . . . Tuesdays. :-) So yeah, crazy stuff. Really, it's not that big of a deal, but I thought I'd blow it way out of proportion for you. ;-)
President Bassett mentioned that in Zone conference like "Oh yeah, and by the way, effective this week, P-Days are on Tuesdays." It shocked us a lot, but it makes more sense to have our P-Day on Tuesday rather than on Monday.
Oh, and I'm glad to hear that Pres. Bassett called for Father's day! He's the greatest mission president ever, I'm pretty sure.

Some good stuff happened this week. :-)
So, we had another baptism this week! Milten was baptized this past Sunday, which was great. Our ward mission leader, did the baptism, and next Sunday I'll be doing the confirmation. So, obviously I'm excited about that. He's doing really good and seems to like church a lot.
James is doing good. We have a baptismal date set roughly for the 12th of July for him. It's going to be tough for him to get there-- he is struggling to quit smoking and to learn the doctrine-- but he's doing really good. Again, he's a super nice guy and really wants to learn about his Heavenly Father. We taught him how to pray a while back, and now he prays better than we do. He's just great, that's all I can say.
We found two new investigaters this week, as well. One is 14 and the other is 18, and they both have a baby. They were surprisingly tough to teach. You wouldn't think teenagers would have that many questions, but they did. It was really interesting. They didn't really seem to agree with what we were talking about, and they refused our invitation to pray about the Book of Mormon. But we talked a bit more, bore our testimonies (our Ward Mission Leader was with us, and he did a really great job) and they accepted and told us to come back two days later. We did, and they were a lot more open. They read what we assigned them and had prayed about it and seem to like it. It's still a long road (they really don't seem to like the idea of baptism) but they're great. Probably amoung our better investigaters, actually.
So the work is still moving foreward. Our ward mission leader is always smiling ear to ear. He thinks this is THE greatest thing on earth. We report our numbers to him on Sunday nights and he gets even more excited.
The work is really picking up in the central ward. :-) I'm just glad that I can help it a long a little bit.
We dropped a guy that just wanted to bash with us. That's always rough. But we're continuing to find the good investigaters who want to "come unto Christ, and be prefected in Him" (See Matthew 5:48 and Moroni 10:32-33 in your spare time.) Hopefully that will get you kind of caught up for the week.
Ha ha ha. You should find a hobby Kaydee. Like giving away copies of the Book of Mormon. :-) That keeps me busy.

Love you all,

Note to Watts family: WOW! Nathan's a ZL already, huh? That's great! Tell his parents to tell him congrat's for me. That's pretty awesome. He must be working hard. :-) Nathan's a year out... He's going down hill now!

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