Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 13, 2010

Ok, so I'm posting this hot off the press today! Jason is still online, but I needed to post this before I forget like I did last week! ENJOY!!!

Hey family!

How is everything going? Dad didn't email me this week, but that's 'cause there will be a long one next week I bet. ;-) lol. Same with Kaydee. And Kellie. And Kassie. (I still never got Kellie's card, BTW. . . .)

And from mom's email, it sounds like I might be able to get a job! Yay for Alex and his good working skills. :-) There may yet be hope for me.

Thanks for the picture, too. Nathan does look exactly the same, lol. And his mom STILL didn't know about us ditching and going to the candy store? lol. That's awesome-- I mean terrible. :-D I remember that like it was yesterday, Nathan walking in with the cup right after dad told him not to, and wouldn't you know it, a counselor in the bishopric is right there. You'll have to let me know how the homecoming talk goes. Oh, and I guess you can tell me how Kassie's goes, too. lol.

And guess who got to speak in church again this week? Yup, they wards are keeping us busy here. Brother Mills of the Snowflake 6th ward called and asked is Elder Lerwill and I would speak on Sunday. We agreed and prepared our talks on "whatever you want but try to include something about pioneers." lol. (I love being a missionary because they never assign us a topic, they just ask us to speak. It's great!) I was having a hard time figuring out what to speak on to include pioneers, but I finally came up with something. But Saturday night we get home and my companion was not feeling good. Uh oh! Then the next morning (Sunday) he was feeling really sick, so I had to call and set up an emergency exchange so that I could still go and give my talk, and I had to call brother Mills and tell him my companion would not be there. It was a crazy day, but I got there and gave my talk, and it went okay. By the way, being stuck at the apartment with a sick companion as a missionary is AWEFUL!!! Just wanted to throw that out there, incase you had any doubts.

And I had a SWEET bike wreck on Friday. I did indeed jinx myself by saying I haven't had a bike wreck here yet. We were biking to the church to make some copies when it happened. When we get to where we are going, I always kick my kickstand down on my bike before I get off. So that's what I did. Or tried to do. My foot got caught on something and I started to go down, and I couldn't get my foot loose. It was one of the slowest falls ever, and I couldn't stop it. And it hurt. lol. Good times. Just thought that I would share. I'm Still not sure what my foot got stuck on.

I also got to be in charge of my very first district meeting! How exciting. It was funny because I have been in charge of Zone meetings before, but I was a lot more nervous about putting this one together. It turned out pretty good, though. I learned a lot from it, and I hope everyone else did too. We mostly focused on how to plan effectively and set goals. This next week is Zone development meeting, and Elder Lerwill and I were assigned to give a training on-- wouldn't you know it-- effective daily planning. We'll see how it goes.

We taught a ton of lessons last week, which is really exciting. Nothing is better than closing out a week like the last one. Everything went great. Yesterday, the start of this week, wasn't so good. All of our appointments cancelled and two people told us they didn't want us to come by anymore. . . . Hopefuly the week goes better from here on. lol. We have a really good night planned, at least, so things should turn around starting today.

Aaron (I thing I told you about him) is suppose to have a baptismal interview this week, so we are excited about that. That's the biggest thing coming up right now.

It was neat too: We're teaching a girl named Lindsey. She's 15 and is super smart. We asked her last week how her reading of the book of Mormon has been coming, and she dissapointedly (is that a word?) said that she was only on page 72 when her goal was to be on page 80. Woah. We asked if she had any questions, and she started asking us questions that I doubt I could have even comprehended two years ago, lol. It was great. Her parents aren't really supportive right now, but hopefully they'll come around. Lindsey knows it's true-- she's received a witness from the Holy Ghost that it is-- and she want's to follow it, so we are praying everything will work out.

Anyway, don't know what else to tell you. Things are going really good still. Love you all a lot.


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