Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 14, 2009

Hey Family,
Thanks for the package! I got is Wednesday. :-) I wore the new pink-ish tie to the Easter pageant the next day, lol. ;-)
My week was actually really boring. It rained, we had some Easter Egg hunts, one of our investigaters got stabbed, we ate dinner at the stake presidents house, my comp's bike fell apart (again), we taught a few lessons, and that pretty much does it.
Talk to you all next week.
Love ya!
Just joking, lol.
But yeah, all that really happened. I'll start with the most exciting event-- our investigater who got stabbed. You remember the investigater that we were helping quit smoking? Well, he moved and we've been trying to get a hold of him for two weeks to get his new address. We called again Saturday Morning and finally got a hold of him-- in the hospital. We went to visit him and he told us the story: He works as a maintenance manager for 24 Jack in the Box restraunts and 2 Golden Corrals, randomly getting called to different stores to fix things. Well, some how his ex-wife found him at one of these places and came up behind him while he was bending over fixing something. She stabbed him twice in the left shoulder. The first went in SIX INCHES and came a half an inch from his heart. The second only went in an inch and a half. Both missed all his organs and vitals. What a miracle! He's still recovering in the hospital. The funny part is, when we first called him, he said (all in one breath) "I got stabbed. . . I quit smoking. . ." Yes, he's been tabacco free for about two weeks. Crazy, crazy stuff. He should heal up well.
His wife is, in fact, is currently in jail. Not sure what will happen there. And, an interesting tid-bit, SHE had a restraining order against HIM. We always heard she was crazy, but I guess it was the truth this whole time.
We went to a crazy good rib dinner the day before Easter. The member made so much food! It was soooooo good. :-) We hid the eggs for their kids Easter egg hunt, but I don't think we did a good job, cause they were all crying at the end. "I only got TEN EGGS! He got more! It's not fair. I hate you!" lol. Oops.
We went to the stake presidents house on Sunday and ate with them. They had a non-member over, and we taught her a lesson after. Yup, the stake pres. is in our ward. But the investigater is not. She's actually not currently meeting with missionaries. She has several times in the past, but never got baptised. :-( But we still got to teach her. And we had another Easter egg hunt! lol. (we didn't hide the eggs for them. . . they must of heard our bad reputation. . . )
Afterwards, their son (I think he's thirteen or so) was riding my bike, and I told him to try riding it in 1x1 gear. It was really funny to watch, 'cause your legs go faster than the pedals. Then he tries it on Elder Christensens bike. That was a mistake. The derailer got stuck in the wheel spoke and popped off. Or, I should say, snapped clean off. We're trying to get it fixed. Good times.
That's about all for now.
Love ya,

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